It’s very hard to start off with something completely new and different from what we’ve been doing this whole time.
If I tell you that I have a diploma of a textile technician, I would probably make a lot of you laugh, just as I laugh at myself when I look at the past few years of my life. When we focus on what we love and live our dreams, we ask ourselves if a degree really is necessary in order to do what we want.

My experience is an excellent example of how, with a lot of effort, informal education and love for what we do, we can achieve so much more than we think.

The most beautiful feeling of a creator is when nothing puts pressure on you, when you create because you want to, not because you have to. I am probably one of the few who could afford the luxury of freedom of choice. Going through life, I went through various phases of my own creativity, from writing songs and essays, simple science work, art, making and painting souvenirs, all the way to Lavina Cosmetics, which, in addition to creativity, required lots of work and study.

Are degrees really that important?

Our children graduate from colleges because it has become a social standard, they buy time, in the hope that something will happen during their studies, to guide them and in the hope that with their knowledge and acquired degrees they will be able to get a job and live off their work. There are those who managed to finish college and get a job in their profession, and if they chose a profession they like, then they are the real lucky ones.
However, there are more and more cases where we cannot apply the knowledge gained during many years of schooling, and we start doing what we have to, what we can, in order to follow the course of life. Does that really have to be the case?

Do we need that piece of paper in order to respect and appreciate the work and words of the people around us more?
I have often witnessed conversations in which a wise man speaks wise words, however, when the interlocutor asks him what degree he has, and the answer is that he only has a secondary education, all the wise words of a wise man suddenly become void, because he has no “paper” that would confirm that his wise words are indeed wise. At the end of the day, we reduce everything to a piece of paper that only proves how many years of education we have, not how much we actually worked and learned the trade or job we do and how good we are at it.

My natural cosmetics and the way to happiness

When we have ideas and a will, it’s really not that hard to find our way to happiness while doing what we’re passionate about and what makes us happy. Many of us are capable of inventing and building a business for ourselves and thus benefiting ourselves and our environment. Business is all around us, we just need to see it and wait for that moment to happen in our consciousness that will open up a whole expanse of possibilities. That’s how mine opened, on the meadows of Mountain Tara, on the infinite expanse of nature that offers us so much. Was I ready for this challenge from the very start? I sure wasn’t. However, if you dedicate a few years to studying plants and understanding all the benefits they have for human life, learn not to give up when it’s difficult, but to look for inspiration again and again from where it originally came from,
you will realize that you can do anything. With or without formal education.

Next up… From meadows of medicinal herbs, to natural Lavina Cosmetics.